January 20th, 2023

An Explanation
After some deliberation for the past week, I've made the tough decision to put the Loko Leipzig save on hold.
This isn't really going to be a blog post as such, but more of a little save update and an explanation as to why I've made that decision.
As for the state of the save, Loko Leipzig sit 7th in Bundesliga 2. after an impressive start to the season. They're still performing well, and I'm happy with the team I was starting to build, but that's not why I wanted to move on to something new.

As my first venture into the world of blogging, I was bound to make some mistakes. In my eagerness to start this save and get writing about it, I didn't carry out my due diligence and check that the database I was using was correct.
Once we got to the Bundesliga 2., I was expecting to be entered into the DFB-Pokal. However, this database is only set to allow the teams who participated in the 2022/23 season DFB-Pokal to play in the competition, and hence Lokomotive Leipzig will never be able to play in the German Cup for the duration of this save.
In modern times, league performance is generally seen as more important. But playing as a smaller side, the magic of the cup is in my opinion quite an integral part to the FM experience. Not only that, but my success with BFC Dynamo last year hinged on money that I made from a couple of good cup runs, and we're at a disadvantage compared to everybody else who participates.
I should've noticed when the Regional cups weren't loaded at the start of the save, or at least alarm bells should have rung. But as Elvis said, only fools rush in - and I made that error.

The 2.5 seasons I've had at the club so far have been enjoyable, and I'm glad I've got the posts to look back on. That said, I feel like the quality of my posts can improve as my writing does. The Loko series was turning into a collection of end-of-season updates, which I don't find particularly exciting and wanted to try something a little different. The Ralph Hönigsberg narrative wasn't as thought-out as I'd like, and I feel I can do a lot better.
Also, I want to reformat the site a little bit, and change the way my blog posts look. All of this and the mess up with the database just makes it feel like the right time to move to something different.
Mistakes are how we learn, and I'm glad that I've made them sooner rather than later. It just means I can grow and develop as a blogger and writer, and I've learned a lot over just the first four posts I've made. Here's to more mistakes, more learning from them, and more fun playing the virtual beautiful game!
So the winds of change blow, and Loko Leipzig will remain frozen in time.
But who knows? Maybe Ralph Hönigsberg will return sometime in the future.
It's Auf Wiedersehen for now, though.
Or should I say... ¡Hola!
Patrick - FMBhikhhu